Indian summer, crackling sun and creeping misty mornings. The perfect time for a long sit down with a hot coffee. The perfect companion for a slow morning start is a good-sized cup, filled to the brim with a fragrant filter. And among the most popular in this category has long been batch brew. Are you also a devoted sipper?
Lots of coffee and just a little effort
If you’ve already got a taste for batch, you probably already know its advantages. Filtered coffee prepared in a “regular” machine and a full pot. Just grind your favourite bean, pour it into the filter, press the button on the simple machine and by the time you’ve brushed your teeth and swapped your pyjamas for a light autumnal outfit, there’ll be a litre of fresh filter waiting for you in the kitchen. And that’s exactly what you need on a rainy autumn morning. The great privilege of batch is its abundance and relatively simple preparation.
And even if the machine does most of the work for you, that doesn’t mean you’ll drink your coffee completely without merit. For a balanced cup, you’ll need basic barista math. The beans need to be set to the right grind thickness (just like on a chemex or V60) and the right ratio of ground coffee to water needs to be hit. However, the dosage is already taken care of by the machine. The result in the cup will certainly not disappoint. And that’s a pretty fair deal for a little barista warm-up.
Batch brew is the ideal choice for those who like to spend the whole day in the company of good coffee, or pack it for travel when access to a selection is compromised. In fact, this filter will last in the kettle for several hours in a tasty condition, so you can sip it until you prepare a fresh one.

Even more coffee and just a little time
Batch, however, is not only popular in the kitchens of home coffee drinkers. You will find it on the menu of almost every café with a contemporary approach to coffee preparation. Quick preparation, which an experienced barista can handle in a few minutes, guarantees efficient service. You can literally take your filter with you from the café within seconds of ordering, and the barista immediately has his hands free to make a cappuccino latte for his colleague next door. In addition, coffee prepared using this method always smells as intense and tastes as sweet or fruity. The potential of the machine simply guarantees constant quality every time.
While hand brewing still has its charm and no machine can replace the barista’s signature in your filter, batch brew has rightfully won the hearts of coffee enthusiasts on both sides of the bar. And all worries aside, a skilled barista will surely “sign” you a batch as well.