This information relates to data that is processed through the website (hereinafter referred to as the website).
The operator of the website is the company Goriffee s.
r. o. with registered office at Gabčíková 8, 841 05 Bratislava, ID No.: 46 289 305, registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court Bratislava III, Section Sro, Insert No.
74964/B (hereinafter referred to as the“operator”).
What are cookies ?
A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit that website.
Each time you visit the website, you will be prompted to accept or decline cookies.
The purpose of this is to allow the website to store information about your settings for a certain period of time.
This way, you do not have to re-enter them when you browse the website.
What cookies do we process ?
Technical cookies
We need to use some cookies to ensure the operation of our website.
Therefore, in connection with the processing of these cookies not required Your consent to the processing of your personal data.
1. Purpose of processing
processing of necessary cookies in order to ensure the functioning of the website
Legal basis
a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art.
6 para.
1 lit.
(f) of the GDPR.
The main legitimate interest is to ensure the proper and error-free operation of the website.
Category of persons concerned
website visitors
Personal data category
a unique identifier that is part of the cookie
Categories of beneficiaries
authorised persons in a contractual relationship with the controller, the website administrator
Personal data retention period until erasure
the data will be processed for as long as necessary to meet the requirements, i.e.
for the duration of the connection when browsing the website.
The expiration of cookies is indicated in the “cookie settings” section
Transfer of personal data to third countries or international organisations
not implemented
What other cookies do we process ?
Information on what other cookies we process is available HERE. The legal basis for the processing of these cookies is Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, which means that we will process these cookies provided that you give us your free consent to such processing. You can give your consent to processing by “clicking” in the cookie bar depending on your preferred settings. You can withdraw your consent by “clicking” again in the cookie bar, depending on your preference to stop the processing of selected cookies. This information obligation is directly linked to the information provided in the cookie bar located in the footer of the website. This cookie bar contains additional information to ensure transparent fulfilment of the information obligation.
In this case, they may be recipients of personal data:
The marketing company with which we cooperate for the purpose of carrying out marketing activities
Website administrator who ensures the smooth running of our website
Slúži na ukladanie informácie o tom, či bol vybraný konkrétny jazyk alebo nastavenie na stránke, čo umožňuje prispôsobiť obsah podľa preferencií návštevníka.
Jeho hlavným účelom je sledovať a zaznamenávať údaje z formulárov na webovej stránke podľa nastavení pluginu
1 hodina
Spustenie relácie používateľa pre presné sledovanie a reportovanie v e-commerce platformách
7 dní
Jeho hlavným účelom je sledovať posledný zdroj návštevnosti na webovej stránke, čo umožňuje analyzovať, odkiaľ prichádzajú návštevníci. Táto cookie patrí do kategórie analytických cookies a má expiračnú dobu 7 dní
Identifikuje unikátneho používateľa pre personalizáciu obsahu alebo reklám.
7 dní
Sledovanie prvej návštevy používateľa na stránke pre štatistické a analytické účely
You can manage the cookies set and used on our website by selecting your preferred setting in the cookie consent panel.
If you wish to modify your cookie settings at a later date, including removing your consent to cookies, you can do so at any time by clicking on the Manage Cookies link found in the footer of the website or by using your web browser.
Cookies set as a result of previous choices will remain stored in your browser, but will not be used once you have withdrawn your consent.
You can view or delete these cookies manually in your browser settings.
Removing cookies from your device
By deleting the browsing history in your browser, you can delete all cookies that are on your device.
However, in this case you may lose some of the information stored.
Blocking cookies
You can set most modern browsers to prevent all cookies from being stored on your device, but in this case you may need to manually adjust some preferences each time you visit a website.
In addition, some services and features may not work properly at all.
For more information on how cookies can be managed by the most commonly used browsers, see:
Right of access – you have the right to be informed about how we use your personal data (see Article 15 of the GDPR).
Right to rectification – if you believe that the data we hold is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, please do not hesitate to ask us to correct, update or complete the information (see Article 16 of the GDPR).
Right to erasure (to be forgotten) – you have the right to ask us to erase your personal data (see Article 17 of the GDPR).
Withdraw consent – where we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of personal data we have processed about you on the basis of that consent (see Article 7 of the GDPR).
Right to restriction of processing – in certain circumstances, you are entitled to ask us to stop using your personal data (see Article 18 of the GDPR).
Right to data portability – in certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to transfer the personal data you have provided to us to another third party of your choice (see Article 20 of the GDPR).
Right to object – you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interests (see Article 21 of the GDPR).
The right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making , including profiling (see Article 22 of the GDPR).
The right to file a petition for initiation of a personal data protection procedure – if you believe that we are processing your personal data unfairly or unlawfully, you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic.
If you object to the processing of your personal data, you have the right to submit a complaint or request in writing to the Controller at Gabčíková 8, 841 05 Bratislava, or by e-mail:
Please note that Google may also process your Personal Data in a third country.
Transfers to third countries are therefore not excluded under this service.
For transfers to third countries, standard contractual clauses in accordance with Article 46 of the Regulation are accepted as appropriate safeguards.
The controller will not carry out automated individual decision-making and may, in specific cases, carry out profiling in connection with the provision of marketing activities.
The aim of profiling in this case is to better recognise your preferences and interests.
Profiling will take place for the purpose of providing you with individually tailored offers of GORIFFEE products and services, but only if you give us your free consent to such processing under the conditions set out above.
Profiling is used in connection with the processing of “marketing cookies”.
On the basis of the data collected, the controller is able to provide the data subject with an individual offer of products or services provided by GORIFFEE after the profiling.
Therefore, profiling may affect the specific type and type of offer provided by the controller.
In the event that profiling occurs in the processing of the data, the data subject shall have the right to object to the profiling, as well as the right to access the data subject to profiling, among other things.
The data subject may exercise the rights in writing at the address of the controller: Gabčíková 8, 841 05 Bratislava, or by e-mail:
Vážime si vaše súkromie. Môžeme pracovať s Cookies?
Na poskytovanie tých najlepších skúseností používame technológie, ako sú súbory cookie na ukladanie a/alebo prístup k informáciám o zariadení. Súhlas s týmito technológiami nám umožní spracovávať údaje, ako je správanie pri prehliadaní alebo jedinečné ID na tejto stránke. Nesúhlas alebo odvolanie súhlasu môže nepriaznivo ovplyvniť určité vlastnosti a funkcie.
Always active
Technické uloženie alebo prístup sú nevyhnutne potrebné na legitímny účel umožnenia použitia konkrétnej služby, ktorú si účastník alebo používateľ výslovne vyžiadal, alebo na jediný účel vykonania prenosu komunikácie cez elektronickú komunikačnú sieť.
Technické uloženie alebo prístup je potrebný na legitímny účel ukladania preferencií, ktoré si účastník alebo používateľ nepožaduje.
Technické úložisko alebo prístup, ktorý sa používa výlučne na štatistické účely.Technické úložisko alebo prístup, ktorý sa používa výlučne na anonymné štatistické účely. Bez predvolania, dobrovoľného plnenia zo strany vášho poskytovateľa internetových služieb alebo dodatočných záznamov od tretej strany, informácie uložené alebo získané len na tento účel sa zvyčajne nedajú použiť na vašu identifikáciu.
Technické úložisko alebo prístup sú potrebné na vytvorenie používateľských profilov na odosielanie reklamy alebo sledovanie používateľa na webovej stránke alebo na viacerých webových stránkach na podobné marketingové účely.